Connect With Our Members Virtually
As counties' responsibility to their communities has increased during the coronavirus pandemic, so too has their reliance on their state association and on corporate partnerships. To help navigate this unprecedented time, counties are seeking additional communication and resources from FAC now more than ever. With that, comes more opportunities for your company to step in and provide solutions. Check out some ways you can connect with our members virtually!Webinars - $5,000
Each week, FAC's Institute for County Government (ICG) is hosting a Webinar Wednesday. It's the perfect opportunity to reach our members! Sponsorship includes company listing on marketing of webinar, pre/post attendance list, listing on ICG's website, and verbal recognition during the webinar.Webinar must be approved by FAC and no longer than an hour.

Newsletter - $1,200
To keep our members informed, FAC sends out a COVID-19 & CARES Act newsletter three times a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Have your article posted in our newsletter and also included on our COVID-19 website.The newsletter is sent to over 1,500 county contacts, and our COVID-19 webpage has been visited on average 585 times daily since launching in March.